" The art and power of natural healing "



Reiki is taken and not given. We are mere channels of energy and not healers. Everyone heals himself or herself. Do not be attached to results. Patients take in as much energy as is required and use as is appropriate to them. Energy Flow - Coming from above, energy flows through

. Crown Chakra

. Third Eye Chakra

. Throat Chakra

. Heart Chakra

. and to its extensions hands

- Reiki acts on aura level, physical level, emotional level and it thus a wholistic system of healing. Reiki goes directly into the Chakras, and from there to the Endocrine System that produces hormones keep our body in good health and in balance.

- Reiki is independent of thoughts, feelings, belief systems and faith.

- Reiki is a healing method which as no religion.

Acute Diseases - by definition are of a short duration. Acute cases usually involve an immediate healing crisis aggravation of symptoms - usually around 8th or 9th day. Continue Reiki until symptoms disappear.

Chronic Disease - have a longer duration. Chronic cases experience healing crisis much later or not at all during the course of treatment. Minimum duration for Chronic Diseases - 21 days. In the event of a relapse, continue treatment until symptoms dissolve.

Healing Crisis or Physical Chemicalisation or release of toxins which cause diseases is an unpleasant and yet favourable symptom. At this point explain the process to your patient and increase the number of treatments until the healing crisis passes thru.

In REIKI treatment, use is made solely of neutral but concentrated from of cosmic energy.



Contact :- Rishi Bhargav, Ph No:-, Mobile No:-,E-mail-

"Everyone is born with Reiki, for it the energy of life itself."

What is Reiki


How it works

Reiki Effects

Believe in Reiki ?

How to Learn?


Points of Reki