" The art and power of natural healing "


One of the greatest benefit of REIKI is self-treatment. Once a person is attuned, he or she need only have intention to do REIKI on him/herself or others, and the energy is immediately drawn through on its own accord with no further intense focus from the practitioner needed. It is an extremely effective technique for total relaxation and stress release. One is filled with a sensation of peace, vitality and joy, often combined with a pleasant feeling of security and of being enclosed in a fine sheath of energy. Treating oneself also helps to release withheld emotions and energy blocks. REIKI works holistically. REIKI effect changes in the chemical structure of the body by helping to regenerate organs and rebuild tissue and bones. It also helps create balance on the mental level. REIKI is a wonderful tool to help one develop conscious awareness, the very key to enlightenment. REIKI affects each individual in a very personal way, the results being determined by the needs of the person being treated. Some common denominators which seem to result in most treatments are that it



. Balances energy

. Increases creativity

. Helps release emotions

. Release stress

. Amplifies energy

. Works on casual level of disease

. Heal holistically

. Increases awareness

. Reverses aging process



REIKI can never do damage in any way, since it only flows in the quantities necessary for the recipient

It is the most simple and natural healing method. It is also the most effective way of transferring this Universal Life Energy. Once a person has been opened up to become a channel for REIKI, concentrated life energy will flow through his hands on its own accord and he will retain this ability for the rest of his life. As most things in life, REIKI must be experienced to be appreciated.


"Everyone is born with Reiki, for it the energy of life itself."

What is Reiki


How it works

Reiki Effects

Believe in Reiki ?

How to Learn?


Work of Reki