" The art and power of natural healing "


The Key to REIKI is its simplicity. The real difference is in the Attunement, (also known
as initiation) process, which the student experiences in the various levels of REIKI classes.
During the first degree seminar (approx. 16-20 hours, spread over a period of 2 days), a
series of four attunements are given by Traditional Reiki Master. In the process, certain
of energy centres, also known as Chakras, are opened to enable the person to channel
(and vibrate) higher amount of Universal Life Force Energy. After this, one can lay
his/her hands on other person and help accelerate the healing process by transferring

REIKI : The other person draws in just the right amount of this life force energy through
the hands of a Reiki Channel that he/she needs to release, activate of transform the energy
of the physical, mental and ethric bodies.

REIKI is a natural system of great simplicity, since nothing other than your hands are
required to carry it out. Whether other forms of therapy may demand months and years of
training for the practitioner, Reiki can be taught in a week-end. After having been
through the attunement process, most nurses, doctors, massage therapists, and people
well-acquainted with the touch and feel of the human body, notice immediate increases in
the amount of energy or the feeling of hear emanating from their hands when doing

First Degree of Reiki

Second Degree of Reiki


"Everyone is born with Reiki, for it the energy of life itself."

What is Reiki


How it works

Reiki Effects

Believe in Reiki ?

How to Learn?


Points of Reki