" The art and power of natural healing "


Prayer Before treatments


(1) I thank myself ( name ........................) for being here. 

(2) I thank the cosmic energy that is Reiki for being here. 

(3) I thank my Parents ( name ..........................) for being in my Life. 

(4) I thank my Guru ( name..............................) for being in my life. 

(5) I thank my God ( name ...............................) for always being with me. 

In case treating others, thank her/ him for accepting Reiki from you.Then start Reiki work by saying “May Reiki flow for healing”


For any disease, a minimum of 3 full body treatments on 3 consecutive days. After 3 days short treatments can be given as follows :

Short Treatment

Three mins each on position nos. 2,3& 4 on the head. The points 8 & 9. This will take 15 minutes. After this give Reiki for 10 minutes at the trouble area. Hence, a short treatment will take 25 minutes.


Reiki can be given to a person by a group of Reiki Channels of healers. This helps in reducing the time required to impart a full body treatment. It is not advantageous to have more than four persons in a group treatment because the time cannot be reduced below 21 minutes. Given below are body positions to be treated by each healer in a group treatment situations.

Case 1 : (2 persons treating ) 39 minutes

1st person : (Head end & RSOTP)
Points Nos. 1 to 7, (10),18,19,(20)
2nd person : (LSOTP) point Nos. 8,9,11 to 17,21 to 24

Case 2 : (3 persons treating) 27 minutes.

1st person : (Head end) points 1 to 6,18,& (19)
2nd person : (RSOTP) Points 7 to (11) 20, (21)
3rd person : (LSOTP) Points 12 to 17,22 to 24

Case 3 : (4 persons treating) 21 minutes

1st person : (Headend) Points 1 to 5, (18)
2nd person : (RSOTP) Points 8 to 10, (13), 19 & 20
3rd person : (LSOTP) Points 6,7,11,(12),21 & 22
4th person : (along the legs) Points 14, (15) to 17, 23 & 24

Notes : I ( ) the bracketed numbers have to be given energy for 6 minutes

i) RSOTP - Right side of the patient.

iii) LSOTP - Left side of the patient.

A Ready Reference For ordinary diseases give treatment for 3 days. For chronic diseases give treatment for 21 days. Duration of time in each part is 3 minutes (minimum). Always give full Reiki and then treat affected areas. During emergency, treat the affected areas first. If you don't have time to give full Reiki, give Reiki to the feet. Some of the common diseases and treatment locations are given below :


Anemia Whole body, spleen & liver
Anger, acidity, irritation Solar plexus
Arthritis Knees, kidneys & affected areas
Asthma Throat, Lung tips & heart
Back pain Solar plexus, hara, root & full back
Breast lumps Hara & breasts
Bone fracture Area of fracture & later over the case
Boil, burns & cuts Injured area
Cancer Whole body & more time on affected area
Cold & cough Throat, heart, solar plexus, upper lungs head & back.
Concentration 3rd eye chakra
Confidence & Communication Throat, heart & solar plexus
Cramps Hara both front and back & local area
Depression Solar Plexus, Hara & knees
Diabetes Pancreas & liver
Drug Whole body & heart (back)
Ear problems Head P3, hands on ears
Edema Heart, solar plexus, lungs, hara & bladder.
Energizing & rebalancing Feet soles, solar plexus, heart & thyroid.
Epilepsy Head P1 to P6 & solar plexus
Eyes problems Head P1 ,P2 & P5
Food poison Hearth, solar plexus, hara, P20 & P23
Gynecological problems Hara & ovaries
Hand & shoulder problems Local area & heart
Hangover Head P1 to P3, solar plexus & hara
Headache, Migraine & Head
Injuries Head P1 to P6 & Hara
Hearth problems Solar plexus, hara & heart
Hemorrhage Affected area & solar plexus
Hemorrhoids Base of spine P24
High or low BP Sides of neek, heart & hara (both sides)
Hair problems Head P2, local area & gentle scalp message.
Leg problems Root
Memory Head P2 & sides of neck
Motion sickness Liver & head P1 to P6
Mumps Whole body, head P1 to P6
Obesity Thyroid
Parkinson's disease Whole body, head P1 to P6
Pregnancy Heart, solar plexus, hara, root + Womb
Slip disc Whole spinal cord
Spondilytes Back of neck & Whole back
Stop-smoking & alcohol Dung tips, heart & knees
Stroke Head P1 to P4, Heart, Solar & Hara
To remove laziness Heart
To trust themselves Thighs
Tongue problems Feet of soles
Tensils Head P1 to P3 & Jaw
Ulcers Painful area


First, treat yourself. You are Reiki and can be in as perfect of health as your ego will allow yourself to express.Next, treat family members. Normally the family unit will have provided you with many benefits, and transmiting the health of Reiki is an excellent way to complete the exchange .Third, consider treating anyone who asks. Asking is important. Because Reiki is a system based on intent, the prospective client should express his intent for health by requesting the treatment. Naturally if the person is in a come, or a infant, or someone whose family asks for the healing or someone for whom you are responsible, it is appropriate to do Reiki.By stating in your mind, "You are free to accept or reject this healing as you will", you release the will of the client and do not impose your will upon them.Be cautious in treating an accident victim you don't know, in that it is legally advisable not to say anything about your healing ability.Simply attempt to administer Reiki in an inconspicuous manner- which fortunately is very easy with Reiki.Speaking of infants, don't think babies- even fetuses-are too young to receive treatments. "Reiki just works zing-o on babes", affirms Samadhi enthusiastically. "They have no barriers whatsoever. They are wide open to God's love. And that's what healing is: God loving us."Persons hospitalized or under conventional medical care can also be treated with Reiki.If the patient takes medication, instruct him to regularly consult with his physician - because as Reiki rebalances his body the prescribed dosage might have to be lessened to avoid overdoses.Do not diagnoses illness and prescribed medicines, however, unless you are an M.D. suggest rather than direct: simply state what you'do if you had the condition perceived, giving the patient the responsibility to assess its merits for himself.It is also important to remember that you should never feel forced or obligated to heal someone, or guilty for not taking the time to heal whenever and wherever requested.Don't forget pets, animals and pants, either. They have universal life energy, and Reiki works for them too."The big bonus with Reiki is that when you are treating someone else you are receiving a healing at the same time," says Mrs. Samadhi."One is never tired nor depleted after giving a treatment since we are using universal life energy, not our own."While healing is generally thought of in terms of living creatures, this universal life energy pervades all creation.Therefore, you can consider applying Reiki in some rather orthodox healing situations. "WHAT " to treat can become as vital a consideration as "WHO" to treat.Here are interesting examples described in "The Reiki Review."
* A second-degree Reiki therapist used her hands (along with the absentee healing technique) to create a " lovemeld" in a contentious parent- child conference. By placing a Reiki hand over the heart of each person during the conference, attitudes " changed immediately and the people were able to get beyond themselves and express concern and love." * A plumber, certified as second-degree Reiki, discovered a dishwasher had been improperly wired. He stated the intent that his hands would "heal" the appliance untill a servicemen came " and to even his amazement the wires did not burn up and it continued to work untill it could be rewired.*Reiki practitioners Sara Schmidlin and Mary Ann Fuller report "using the Reiki to nurse their cars around town and to keep the batteries running."What unconventional uses for Reiki-as a constructive influence for channeling universal life energy-can you think of?Discuss and list your ideas here.


Your instructor will cover this topic in great detail. Here are some basic points :
"First create an environment as quite, comfortable and soothing as possible for treatment.
In the home, set aside a room or designate a small area to be regularly used for client treatment. This "Reiki Space" will become familiar (and thus psychologically comfortable) for clients that require successive treatments and also becomes charged with the nature of Reiki itself, thereby facilitating the healing experience.
"Wear comfortable clothing that won't interfere with the treatment positions.
For male patients : remove glasses, vest, jacket, tie and belt, shoes ; have his pockets emptied.
For female patients : remove glasses, shoes, belt, scarves and jewellery around the neck ; no girdles of tight pantyhose.
No terribly snug pants in either case.
* Most treatments by first-degree practitioners are hands on ; remote, or absentee healing is taught in second-degree Reiki.
However, occasionally it may not be possible to touch the patient directly due to severe skin infection/lesions or second/third-degree burns, or thick layers of clothing or plaster cast. Or you may wish to treat an infant and don't want to disturb his shallow sleep.
Know that Reiki finish does require direct physical contact with the skin, though :
* Insist on proper hygiene for yourself, just as you would expect from any medical professional.
Always have clean hands, washing with soap before treatment and afterwards for 20-30 seconds in cool running water to break the energy flow. If in any emergency situation water is not available, form the hands in the 'prayer' position with fingertips together and press firmly for 30 seconds.
*Place a box of kleenex tissues and a sheet or blanket within easy reach.
The tissues are for eye treatment and certain ailments ; the covers for the client's comfort.
* Have the client lie down, if possible, so gravity can aid in pulling Reiki into his body.
Place a pillow under his head ; another under his knees to ciieve pressure on the lower back. Employ the sheet or light blanket if the client complains of chil's.
And don't neglect to ensure your own needs, either : Remember : the comfort of yourself and the client is the next most important thing to Reiki itself during a treatment.
*Make sure the client's feet are not crossed ; this tends to 'short circuit' the energy flow.
*Tell the client he may feel worse after the first or second treatment, either due to severe imbalance in an organ(or the body generally) or because you may stop treatment just as the illness has been brought back from the chronic stage to its acute stage before eventual release.
If this happens, a minimum of three-preferably four consecutive daily treatments will be required unless healing, takes places after the first or second treatment.
"The disease must return from where it came", is a basic Reiki tenet.
* Ask the client about ailments irritated by touching ; also inquire about any major surgery.
* "Notify people what your'e going to do", says Samadhi with a grin, "so you don't scare them to death."

Treat HEAD, FRONT and BACK, and hold anything that hunts and any can't go wrong."
That according to Reiki instructors, is the basic rule of Reiki treatment.
"Think of the front (neck to waist) as the "Master Motor" of the body."
*Keep your fingers together ; otherwise energy is scattered. Curve the fingers just slightly to rest upon the contours of the body rather than making them stiff and flat.
Imagine you are going to touch your lover in a gentle embrace, and you'll get it just perfect !
*Begin by spending 8-10 minutes on each position.
As you practise Reiki and your biosensory system becomes more acute to the universal life energy, you will sense a varying rhythmic rise-and -fall of energy under your hands. Your power to channel Reiki will also increase, and treatment time will shorten.
Extremely diseased centres will probably need prolonged placements.
Whatever, your hands will tell you through his sinusoidal pattern when to break Do so at the end of the first cycle of peak to-ebbflow, just as the energy is about to rise again. That completes one energy cycle for that particular organ of the body drawing in the most Reiki.
Each period will differ, depending on the organ and its condition.
*If the client has organs mising due to surgery, treat as if they are present anyway. Reiki can help set up an energy patter within the body to balance the body as if that organ were physically present and will release adhesions if they exist.
* A cold spot indicates a dysfunctioning organ or imparied circulation. Hold the area until warm.
*" There is no such thing as a partial treatment-because the body is all linked in, as you all know."
"For instance," explains Samdahl.," if a person has diabetic blindness, you are not going to cure the eyes until you cure the pancreas- because the pancreas is what manufactures insulin and a lack or insulin is what create diabetic and diabetes is what can create diabetic blindness, et cetera. So until the pancreas is healed, nothing is going to happen to diabetic blindness."
So aside from emergency situations, always give the whole Body treatment before focussing on particular ailments for additional Reiki. As you are giving of your time, the client should be equally agreeable to give of his time for a proper treatment. The client has given you the authority by requesting Reiki treatment, so be firm about what you know must be done.
If partial treatment must be done, treat the solar plexus and adrenals. (This is also good for energy revitalization and "bringing things back to life.")
*Reiki is pulled through the body at a rate corresponding to the need of the client.
The more energy needed to regenerate, rejuvenate and revitalize the injured body, the longer the healing will generally take.
"At the end of 10 minutes almost every organ has all the Reiki it needs, " Samdahi instructs as a guideline.
* TEAM TREATMENTS : Pair up on FRONT and BACK positions when possible ; treat FRONT simultaneously.
Simultaneous treatment of the totso and head is also very beneficial. Also when possible, have one healer hold the soles of the client's feet as a means to boost his energy field.
* REIKI FINISH : When the client has accepted all the Reiki need at one session concude his treatment with the Reiki Finish it's like "icing on the cake."
a) Have the client lie on his stomach and bare his back.
b) Put one hand on neck : feel the throat chakra. Keep the hand one inch above the body.
c) Put the other hand on rootchakra & feel the energy of the root chakra keep the hand one inch above the body.
d) Bring both the hands together in the center i.e. on solar plexus & heart chakra.
e) With the flat edge of the thumbs, "scrub" up the channels on each side of the spine with short alternating advances going from the base of the spine to the neck.
f) If the client has no diabetic tendency form a 'V' with two fingers and place them at the base of the neck ; place the other hand on top of the fingers' knuckles, and pull down along the channels flanking the spine.
For pancreatic conditions, use the above 'up' motion stroke only from the base of the spine to the base of the neck. "for this cleanness the blood."
g) * Wash your hands again, or press your fingertips together for 30 seconds to close down the energy flow.
The Reiki treatment is now complete.... yet the effect of the Reiki on the cells and energy flow of the body does not end with the treatment, but continues to build and balance the cells and system.


"Everyone is born with Reiki, for it the energy of life itself."

What is Reiki


How it works

Reiki Effects

Believe in Reiki ?

How to Learn?


Work of Reki